I met Amanda years ago after I fell in love with her writing style on Not A Model Blog — a lifestyle blog with a literary flare. I’ve followed her travel adventures, tried out beauty products she’s suggested, and still find myself going back to her blog for a little writing or cooking inspiration. Amanda is a PR maven with a way with words, bringing together great fashion, everyday beauties, recipes and mantras to help you get through your week.
She’s honest, down-to-earth and has a smile filled with sunshine. Not A Model Blog is a breath of fresh air in an Internet chalk full of fashion blogs. Amanda stays true to herself and to her work, that is why she is this week’s Darling.
The most versatile item in my closet: Classic white shirt, make sure it’s not too stiff.
Beauty must-haves: Concealer, blush, floss
One thing every girl should have: Gumption
What are you listening to right now: This very moment, John Legend
The one thing I can’t leave the house without: Unfortunately, I’d have to say my cell phone!
Favorite place to eat in the city: As of recently, anywhere that serves ramen
Ideal friday night plans: A good cocktail with good people, doesn’t matter if that involves staying in, or heading out.
All time favorite book/movie: Movie: Vicky Cristina Barcelona / Book: I could never, ever decide.
You can connect with Amanda on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.