Hola! I’m Carla Ortiz, founder and editor of fashion and cocktails blog Haute Cocktail. Next month, I’ll be graduating from the Academy of Art University with a MFA in Fashion Journalism, and I can’t wait! As this chapter closes, I’m looking forward to working on my career full-time as a fashion writer and stylist. A couple of my obsessions are cupcakes, anything sparkly, stars (I have a hidden tattoo!), astrology, music (I sing and I’m learning to play the piano), martinis and traveling (Next stops… Puerto Rico and Colorado!).
The most versatile item in my closet:
This will sound cliche, but all my little black dresses are always great to dress up or down, and wear all year long.
Beauty must-haves… Moisturizer, concealer, eye liner, blush/bronzer and a great perfume!
One thing every girl should have:
A flattering black dress that fits perfectly.
What are you listening to right now:
Pandora on shuffle… At the moment ‘I’ll Be’ from Edwin McCain is playing.
The one thing I can’t leave the house without:
Sunglasses and my phone… and the keys to get back in, of course!
Favorite place to eat in the city:
I live on Hoboken, NJ and I love The Brass Rail, Marty O’Briens and Hoboken Bar & Grill.
In NYC I recently discovered Murray’s Cheese Bar (I love cheese, so this place was a culinary dream come true) and would have ordered a whole pistachio cake for myself at The Lambs Club. Great food and drinks there, too!
Ideal friday night plans:
My ideal Friday would be to dress up and go out to try a new fun restaurant, and then spend the night with friends enjoying some drinks while doing something fun like playing board games or singing karaoke. This could be either at a cool lounge/bar or at home. (I actually throw a lot of impromptu get-togethers that involve one or all of them.)
All time favorite book/movie:
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