Just to clear up any confusion, Marie Nicola isn’t a comedian she’s from Prince Edward Island. She’s also the co-host and creator of Canada’s first and only weekly, interactive, live streaming talk show about online culture, Nat&Marie. She’s interviewed everyone from the guys in Epic Meal Time to George Stroumboulopoulos. This season, evil genius Kenny Hotz and reddit’s Eric Martin are two heavy hitters who will be on the show.
Join in with Nat&Marie every Wednesday night at 9pm EST as they talk about the trends online at NatandMarie.com
Tell us a bit about yourself:
I like Marmite. Whisky Sours. Fried Chicken. Reminding people I’m half Arab or British when it’s relevant to do so. But, at the end of the day, I really just want to produce a show, talk about the interesting stuff I dig up online and have people respect me for my unique brand of nerd. I’m really not that interesting, but I’m told that the things that come out of my mouth are… so… natandmarie.com every Wednesday at 9pm!
I am wearing:
A good friend told me, “when someone asks you ‘what are you wearing?’ say, ‘it’s so expensive and I’m a little ashamed of how much I spent on it.’”
Truth is, full disclosure, got the pants and top at an Urban Planet Boxing Day sale. However, the jacket is from the late 20th century, formerly of Cat Shanahan’s shop and, no, I am not at all ashamed of how much I spent on it.
The most versatile item in my closet:
It’s duct tape. Even in fashion & beauty, it’s useful for keeping things together and holding things in place. I have used it at least 5 different ways.
Beauty must-haves…
If I didn’t know how to apply false eyelashes, then my beauty must have would be… face masks. I mean, a strip of whispies can be your best friend as much as a good face mask.
Last night, I used the Baléa “Honey & Caramel” peeling face mask. You know, the Shopper’s Drug Mart, “$1.99 for 1 or 3 for $5” jobbies. For something so easily dismissed, it convinced me enough to buy 2 more to have on hand.
One thing every girl should have:
A pair of black and shiny, high-waisted American Apparel leggings. Straight up. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you may have a problem and you should get to AA stat.
What are you listening to right now:
I have a Spotify playlist that’s called “Skanked Out Hipster Jam” on Spotify. I debated for about 10 minutes to tell you that… But, to my credit, it has a mix of Joel Plaskett, Thunderheist and Darwin Deez – who I really like thanks to Gwen (our production coordinator on Nat & Marie)
The one thing I can’t leave the house without:
Technically, I can’t leave the house without my keys.
Favorite place to eat in the city:
Right now it’s Chinese Traditional Buns for the Xi’an Pork Sandwiches.
Ideal friday night plans:
Home, watching YouTube videos, eating good food and just relaxing.
All time favorite book/movie:
No particular order.
Book(s) – Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain & Not Wanted on the Voyage by Timothy Findley.
Movie(s) – Bond. Jesus Christ Superstar. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. Aladdin. Batman Returns. Big Lebowski. Anchor Man and High Fidelity.