I’m not sure if I shared this before or not, but I am a Director/Chair on a few non-profit Boards. Helping our community is something that is really important to me, and being able to give back or share a message from whatever meager platform I have is the least I can do.
So when the notice about Toronto’s First Annual Buddy Walk showed up in my inbox, I was eager to share it with the rest of you.
The Buddy Walk is an event for the whole family that helps raise awareness of people with Down syndrome. All you have to do is put on your walking shoes and have some fun! Participating in the Buddy Walk is a way to give people with Down syndrome in Toronto a chance for a better future.
Participants are encouraged to raise funds and create teams using Peer to Peer fundraising campaigns, a simple way to raise funds.
What Can You Do?
There are various levels of participation:
1 – Join in the walk and make some new friends!
2 – Share information about the Buddy Walk amongst your communities, readerships and friends!
3 – Raise funds for a great cause
What is the Buddy Walk?
The Buddy Walk was started by the National Down Syndrome Society in New York City and has grown from 17 walks around the USA in 1995 to more than 300 around the world! The fact that this is Toronto’s first annual walk is a really big deal and a great feat!
All funds raised will go to the Down Syndrome Society of Toronto, supporting the associations various activities and support programs.