Online shopping is my kryptonite. It says so on twitter. Shopping online is reliable, fun and just plain easy. I practically buy everything online, but one item I have never thought about purchasing online is prescription glasses. Glasses are such a personal purchase, saying so much about your personality and style that it never crossed my mind to go online to snag a pair.
We were approached by Clearly Contacts to test out the process and for someone who has been wearing the same glasses for several years, it was time for an upgrade and I was all over this. The process was simple, the site was easy to navigate and there are endless options to choose from.
You’re probably thinking the same thing I was thinking…seeing something online is different than physically holding or putting them on. My main concern was not knowing what these glasses were going to look like on me but I soon found out that there’s a solution for that! Once you’ve found a frame or two that you’re interested in on, switch to ‘Try on View,’ upload a picture of yourself and test the product out to see what you’d look like. I picked a straight on profile shot that allowed me to get a pretty accurate reading of what any given frame would look like on me. It was just as good as the real deal!
I fell in love with a pair of Derek Cardigan Dark Timber frames, they looked good on (my photo), so I decided these were the ones and off I went! If you don’t know your prescription, or if you haven’t been to the optometrist in a few years (like me), I’d suggest getting an eye exam to determine your prescription and PD number. You’ll need these numbers to complete your order.
I purchased my pair of new glasses on Thursday and they arrived on Monday…and I loved them. They looked great, the lenses were so clear and most of all, it was easy!
I can now add buying glasses online to the ever growing shopping list and we want one lucky reader to do the same. With the help of Clearly Contacts, we are giving away a pair of Derek Cardigan Glasses.
Tweet us @ChicDarling and tell us what #DerekCardigan glasses by @ClearlyContacts you are coveting and why. Or, leave us a comment telling us which lenses you love and we’ll choose a winner. Contest closes April 7th!