Ahhh, facials.
Our love and hate relationship has been going on for years. Facials have the ability of transforming your skin, but I never really know how often I should them. I love going in because my skin feels like butter after being steamed, and exfoliated, but hate the days following where the breakouts like no other.
Yes, I’m aware that breakouts are your skin’s way of getting rid of all the junk. That fact, however, does not make it any better. Most people walk around with broken out skin for a few days after. It doesn’t have to be the case, though!
Taking care of your skin, and investing in preventative treatments can save you the hassle of dealing with angry skin, and breakouts!
Let’s back up a minute, shall we? I don’t treat my skin as well as I should. I haven’t really had to. I found a skincare line a long time ago that works for my sensitive skin, and that was that. I wash, tone, and moisturize like I’ve been told to, but rarely get in for facials as I’m on the road 2-3 days of the week. I hadn’t really noticed my skin’s call for help until recently. Your skin changes the older you get, and mine was screaming those changes.
This, along with my previous love for all things exfoliating that made eager to go get my skin looked at. Perhaps, my skincare regiment needed to change, or perhaps I was using the wrong products. All these thoughts rush through your head when you have someone, inches away from your face, intent of examining it.
Thankfully that didn’t seem to the case. Turns out I had dry skin, and the combination of Microdermabrasion and the low level light therapy was just what I needed.
I’ve recently introduced Organic Foaming Face Wash and the Dermalogica’s Fash Wash to my skincare routine, and am mixing HydrExtreme with my regular moisturizer. Those two changes alone have made a dramatic difference.
I have also started using sunscreen. I know, I know, you should be using sunscreen all year long, but I haven’t been because I HATE the film that you get when you apply sunscreen. Turns out, there are solutions for that, too.
It’s been 2 weeks since that visit, and my skin still feels hydrated, and there are no signs of breakouts! So if you’re in the market to get great skin, and want to use an all organic line, I can not recommend them enough!
How often should you get a facial?
The rule of thumb is every 6-8 weeks with a mini facial in there if you’re prone to clogged pores.
Most spas and professional estheticians will create a customized skincare plan for you to ensure that your skin is well-taken care and looks like a million bucks all the time. This is particularly important if you tend to wear a lot of makeup, have the bad habit of not washing said makeup off at the end of the night, or don’t enjoy exfoliating or have a face brush like Clarisonic.
Maintenance is key between appointments- this is where you only use products that you are suitable for your skin, and avoid picking at your face.
Water is also really important when it comes to healthy glowing skin.
I know that not everyone had the time or the money to get a facial every 6 weeks, but popping in once every 3 months to ensure that you’re on track, and that you have the appropriate products that are working for you in the right weather is a great way to save yourself some money!