I’m a girl of simple tastes. I own 6 pairs of earrings, and 3 of them are pearls. It’s not that I don’t like risks, I just happen to take risks with bold lips, or fun tops, and not so much with jewelry. While I do appreciate them on others, I tend to be extremely selective when it comes to adding something extravagant to my wardrobe.
So imagine my surprise when my lovely best friends decided to buy me the biggest, most ostentatious, and really expensive pair of earrings for my birthday. It’s not their fault. I blame myself for never specifying the types of earrings that I like.
The trick to wearing earrings is, well, there isn’t one. You’re wearing it on your head, and you can’t do anything about it. So if you find yourself in my position, here are some great ways to blend in earrings in your life without having to wear your hair down all the time.
I like to stick to basics when it comes to planning the rest of my outfit; jeans, a semi casual top, heels or flats, really simple makeup. The more neutrals in your wardrobe or outfit the better, and if you’re going for something really bright and colours, try not to have too many patterns going on at once. Too many patterns just make the eye confused, and you look a bit crazy at the same time.
I realize that most people aren’t as dedicated to wearing something that they’re not a big fan, so perhaps exploring Albemarle Bond might be a better idea. You can easily trade your expensive, yet not quite right piece for cash and something that you like instead.
If you plan to brave the trends and add bling to your wardrobe, practice putting together outfits before hand to see what you like and what you don’t.