Nothing gets us motivated to hit the gym like brand-new workout apparel. The crisp, flattering lines create a super-hero-like outfits that have us charging for the treadmills. Cruising the colourful array of tops, bras, pants and tights that line the walls and racks of the Lululemon or Nike seems somehow directly linked to our success in the gym-until we see the price tag. With pants and tanks ranging from $70.00 to $150.00 each, that motivational outfit could have you stress eating from buyer’s remorse to the tune of over $200.00 an outfit. And since you can’t wear a single outfit to the gym 5 days a week, the smart and financially savvy girl needs consider the alternatives. There are other mid-range brands available and a thorough search of the local Winner’s will generally land you a sturdy piece or two, but with more women getting fit than ever before, we have to wonder who will clothe the financially conscientious gym going woman? Chick’d Athletic Apparel offers high quality, eco friendly garments for running, walking, cycling, yoga and anything else that gets your heart pumping.
Chick’d-When a women overtakes a male competitor during a triathlon.
Once upon a time there were two active, athletic, Canadian women named Alison and Michelle. They were very unhappy with the quality and cost of women’s apparel and decided “oh, to hell with it! If we can do triathlons we can build our own apparel brand”.
Chick’d Athletic Apparel is made for women by women and goes way beyond “how does my bum look in this”. Chick’d is committed to building a community of women who support each other in accomplishing their fitness goals. Offering variety of soft, durable well fitting tops, tanks and tights these clothes are sustainable, comfortable and pretty.
Putting the gear to work
To test out Chick’d apparel I decided to wear my Cadence Capri and Reprieve Tank during each of my workouts for one week (I washed them). I wanted to see how they stood the test of comfort, mobility, durability as I got my sweat on.
The flat seams sewn into my Cadence Capris ensures the hour on a spin bike is no more painful than it needs to be. The waist and cuffs stay firmly in place as does my Reprieve Tank. Neither begins to wreak as they absorb my hard earned sweat droplets.
Boot camp:
If there was ever a time for pants to stay put it’s during squats. I have big calves (not in the good way) and big ankles while we’re at it. I usually avoid Capri pants altogether because the seam at the leg opening is never big enough to accommodate my “fiercely real” calves. A special seam pattern and four-way stretch fabric used in this garment ensures my tights stay comfortably in place without cutting of circulation to feet.
Insanity is an in-home workout invented by a guy called Shaun T. It’s 40-60 minutes of very high intensity body weight exercises and generally ends with me laying on the floor feeling very accomplished and a little bit barfy. The reprieve tank joins my on my Insanity journey using its chafe resistant seams and flexible fabric to protect my skin from chaffing during execution of about four-million jumps, burpees and drills.
Overall the clothes were amazing. They were comfortable, flattering and moved with me no matter what activity I was doing and the soft, breathable fabrics didn’t lose their shape, smell or change when I got sweaty.
Reasons to love them outside of the gym
Chick’d gear is totally eco friendly and constructed to meet some of the highest international eco standards. Garments are made from sustainable fabrics like eucalyptus lyocell, organically grown cotton, recycled polyester, and Eco-charcoal.
Clothes are manufactured right here in Southern Ontario which means consumers of this brand are also proud supporters of small female owned and operated business as well as the broader Canadian economy. No outsourcing, no dodgy labour practices, girl power.
A great outfit like the one I wore costs $120.00-about half the cost of two pieces from the competitors.
To view other items or learn more about Chick’d Athletic Apparel visit their website at
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