I’ve been a bit AWOL here lately — for which there is no excuse. If you’ll bear with me, I’ll have a post about Paris up soon but, in the interim, Madrid!
One of the craziest things about Madrid is that very few people speak English. You’ll get the occasion person who will understand English but they are few and far between and even then, you need to speak slowly and carefully. This was the first time that I’d ever encountered this in my life and it was a slap of culture-shock.
My stay in Madrid was sponsored in part by uHostels — but all views below are mine. I had wanted to stay at uHostels for as long as I’ve wanted to go to Madrid because, compared with some of the hostels that are in Europe… uHostels was clean, comfortable, safe and very authentic to what I expected from a stay in a 19th century former palace.
Every day the social activity organizer corralled everyone and encouraged us to participate in the free walking tours, the tapas and dinner outings etc. in order to fully experience Madrid as a native and to meet the others in the hostel
(all hostel images are courtesy of uHostels)
And now onto some of my favourite things about Madrid!

Some of the activities that I enjoyed most include:
- The Royal Palace (because I’m a nerd like that)
- Sol — the whole thing. Amazing atmosphere and you feel safe, even at 2am
- Almudena Cathedral
- As many gardens and parks as you can squeeze in
- The food! It was so cheap as well
Have you ever been to Madrid? What were some of the things that you liked best?