I just recently made the big move to Toronto and I have been adjusting to my new life over the last week. Moving is always a stressful and exciting experience. I have had opportunities to travel and work in different cities for short or longer periods of time these past few years, but this move definitely felt different. Maybe it was because I saw all of my belonging and furniture move from one city to another, or that at the end of the day I was pretty much alone in a new and mostly unknown city to me. In my case, this big change is a good thing. What better way to kick start a new adventure than by exploring your new city with your bestie!
Many people underestimate the power of a nice walk, and I would like to disagree. Maybe my love of long walks comes from my years of dog walking 3 times a day or that I come from a family of “walkers”, but the first thing I do when I arrive in a new city is walk around!
Walking really gives you a great sense of direction and a better understanding of the new city you are in. Not only are you getting great exercise but it is also by far one of the best things to do with your girlfriends!
This past weekend I walked, talked, gossiped and discovered great areas in my new city! My roommate bought Nathalie Prezeau’s girlfriends-tested guide to 24 excited walks in Toronto, “Toronto Urban Strolls…For Girlfriends” and we decided to try out some of these
(Note: This idea of urban strolls can be applied to any city around the world- whether you have lived there for years or if you are a newbie in town!)
Here is a list of 3 tested Toronto walks and strolls to do with your girlfriends:
1. Bloor West
2. Ossington and Queen West:
3. Toronto island: