I was flicking through a magazine last week when my eyes were drawn to a cashmere jumper. It was simple, but covered in colourful hearts. It’s the CUTEST.
Who is this? Where can I get this?! HOW MUCH IS THIS?!
It’s Chinti & Parker. It’s from matchesfashion.com. It’s £350. I want it.
Jumpers are pretty much what you live in during this time of year; it’s cold, they’re comfy, and you’re trying to hide holiday weight. They are the perfect all-in-one.
Standard black and gray jumpers sometimes get boring, and yes of course you can add vibrant accessories, but if it’s a miserable morning and all you really want to do is stay in bed, who can actually be bothered with making sure your eyeliner has the perfect flick, your nails are perfectly manicured and your necklace is of the right statement?!
If you can do that every day of the week then I salute you! But for those of you who can’t, then I really think a jumper with a bit of colour and a bit of boldness to it will do the trick.
And even if you can be bothered to make sure you look prim and proper in a black jumper every morning, fun jumpers are always a… well, fun option too.
Anyway, as you can gather I got really excited over this jumper (I’m allowed to, it’s January), but then I got a little disheartened by the price tag. So I thought I’d better find an alternative before the January blues set back in again.
Now, I know if you’re http://premier-pharmacy.com/product-category/migraine/ anything like me, something this overtly girly and/or colourful can be a little out of your comfort zone; you feel a tad silly.
But team any of these jumpers with a pleated leather skirt, your favourite black boots, and a swipe of plum lipstick and you’ll be back to looking your badass self in no time.
To help you out and perhaps give you some inspiration, here’s an idea of how to wear a rather loud jumper in a more edgy way – modeled by yours truly!
I kept it simple (which is actually really easy when your favourite colour is black), and stayed true to my word by wearing a pleated leather skirt and my favourite black boots.
Tartan is going to be a huge print in 2013, as will be mixing prints and textures so why not start early and show everyone you knew what you were doing way before they caught on by combining your favourite print scarf with a contrasting jumper!
I also find that flashes of chunky metal are brilliant for adding different texture and making any look stand out in a more edgy way – whether that be through your favourite curb chain necklace, your foil wrap nails, or a cuff for your pony tail; it’s really effective.
Would you wear this jumper in a similar way or would you go for a completely different look? Would you even wear this jumper at all?!